Shame is such a common ADHD experience 😔 I don’t think I’ve ever met someone with ADHD who didn’t struggle with a lot of internalized shame.
Getting rid of it isn’t something you can do in a day. It took years and years of criticism and negative comments to nest deeply within us, so it won’t dissolve quickly. The process takes time, but it’s worth it. At least, as adults and parents, we now understand how important it is to shield our kids from this shame, to prevent them from having to do the same tedious internal work when they’re all grown up 🌱
A word on Noodle Doodle: As you may have noticed, I changed the name of this publication back to “The Mini ADHD Coach.” At the beginning of the summer, I faced a big creative burnout. After four years of doing this, I wasn’t feeling able to create content about ADHD anymore. I wanted to expand my horizons a bit and talk about mental health in general, and that’s how Noodle Doodle was born. But, with it came a big shiny object syndrome ✨
After a few weeks, I had to admit to myself that continually reading books about mental health and making visual summaries of them wasn’t going to work for me. It was a lot of work and probably too structured for my chaotic, exhausted, mother-of-a-two-year-old, ADHD brain 😅
I also received a lot of messages from people encouraging me to keep posting about ADHD, as my posts were such a big help to them. So, I’m back to aiming (hopefully) to consistently create content to talk about and raise awareness of ADHD 💕
I hope you’re not too disappointed if you subscribed for more “Noodle Doodle” content. If you are, please feel free to unsubscribe—I still love you 😘