Jun 20Liked by Alice The Mini ADHD Coach

"Mental health diagnoses...allow you to replace the handmade labels you crafted for yourself with a label that can help you understand yourself, be understood by others, and feel part of a community."

This resonates so much. I'm being treated for ADHD because it "sounds like I could have it" according to my psychiatrist who can't give me a definitive answer without ruling out other options. But she hasn't tried to rule out anything else. I also asked her recently about the process for diagnosing autism and she explained that the process is very expensive and the treatment is just therapy. Since she can't prescribe anything for it, she doesn't see the value of a diagnosis. I know she means well, but I think so many people don't understand the impact just understanding yourself better can have when you've been struggling without knowing why.

Thank you for sharing this post. ❤️

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I'm glad this resonated with you Mandie 🥹 I completely relate to your situation and I think it is very common to feel as you do 🤗 I would love for mental health professionals to understand that a bit more.

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Oh, he also like to draw.

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I’m going to share this one with my son. He’s 17 and was diagnosed with attention deficit when he was in the 4th grade. It has been a struggle for him but at least he knows why he is the way he is - AND it helps me to take a few seconds and see if I can remind myself that he’s just struggling within himself.

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